Acoustic Tiles & Panels
Ready to take control of the sound in your home, office, studio, or stage? Reduce echo and dampen unwanted noise with acoustic tiles and panels that look and sound beautiful.
Fine tune the audio experience of living rooms, listening rooms, podcasting studios, meeting rooms, stages, bars, restaurants, and lobbies with absorption panels that align with your aesthetics and environmental values. FeltForms are made in the US, from recycled plastic bottles (rPET), giving waste a new life.
Improve Sound Quality
We're audio nerds, so let’s get technical! FeltForms acoustic tiles scatter directional sound and eliminate high frequency flutters to improve quality. They can also be used to cut down on bleed, keeping sound more isolated.
With strategic placement and design, you can make rooms feel warm and inviting so that you can clearly hear your family, friends, co-workers, or that sweet sound system you just installed.