Fly Seesaw
Take playtime to new heights with Fly, the adult seesaw. Designed to “fly” two adults, Fly Seesaw pivots and rotates with a seamless motion that feels like flying or moonwalking. Fly Seesaw can be used indoors or outdoors to create fun communal spaces. The seesaw's hub is made from cast recycled aluminum and the legs and the seating plank are made from responsibly harvested ash wood. Custom colors, finishes and materials are available upon request.
"Work is Play" is a new kind of furnishing solution for commercial and residential projects. Each piece in the collection is designed to support the need for adults to play in life and at work. "Work is Play" furnishings can be used as fun conversation starters or as tools for creative work. Promote physical activity and creative flow, build team trust, improve posture, relieve stress or simply invite fun into your daily routine.
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Product Highlights
Wellbeing and Communication
Promotes wellbeing, creativity and collaboration
Locally Sourced
Locally Sourced
Products or materials extracted, processed or manufactured within 100 miles from the point of distribution. We strive to manufacture all of our products in the Philadelphia tri-state area (over 70% of our collection meets this criteria). All of our products are made in the US with the majority of the material extraction also taking place within the continental US.
Renewable Resource
Renewable Resource
Natural resources (materials and services) that can be replaced by natural processes at a rate comparable or faster than the rate of consumption by humans. Wool felt is considered a renewable resource as long as the animals that they come from are humanely raised and treated.
A material that has the ability to break down, safely and relatively quickly, by biological means, into the raw materials of nature and disappear into the environment. These products can be solids biodegrading into the soil (also referred to as compostable), or liquids biodegrading into water.
The ability to process used materials or products into new products or raw materials of equal or better quality, preventing the waste of potentially useful resources.
Recycled Content
Recycled Content
Products or materials made from resources that would otherwise have been discarded during initial production (pre-consumer) or after end of life (post-consumer).
Environmental Finish
Environmentally Preferable Finish
Finishes that do not affect human health during product use, reduce impact on living organisms and the environment throughout their life cycle and have the ability to either biodegrade or not affect a product’s recyclability.
Better together